Get your books together,
Monday, July 27, 2009
5:43 AM
This will be a short post, i've been blessed with a bunch of homework |:

Uh. Back to school today.
Honestly, I don't hate school. I just hate my school. In fact, I don't know anybody who likes my school. I don't even think the teachers like my school. Or my brother, who's not even there yet. He doesn't even like it.

We have subject selections, pretty much right now. It really sucks, for the simple fact that I can't choose all the subjects I want/need. They're all on at the same time! It's so stupid |:

+butomg, update on My Sisters Keeper [ayyy, you cool kid]. I was googling it the other night, yeah, and I find out that they CHANGED THE WHOLE ENDING!?!?! Oh my god, I am so annoyed! The ending made the book, seriously, it was the best part! And they got rid of it. Entirely |: I even wrote an email to Warner Bros. complaining about it, and telling how much I hate them and how much the movie sucked.

And no. I haven't even seen the movie yet |:
I'm amazing :] haha

and now I have to go,
because i'm a nerd. and want to do my homework o.O
well not really want, but you know.
plus, I just found out that the course I want to take at uni has a pre req of 97%


I don't like doors very much,
Saturday, July 25, 2009
9:38 PM
Hi there,

Over three days, I've posted three bloggy-things. I think I deserve a certificate guys, this is heading into unfamiliar territory x]

Something I saw about ten minutes ago reminded me of another one of my pet hates, [whew, my blog is rather pessimistic] which is when people say: "I don't care what anybody thinks of me"

Uh. yes, you do. I don't think there's one person, seriously, who doesn't care how people perceive them. Honestly, if you did, you wouldn't even bother getting dressed in the morning or doing your hair or even looking in the mirror. I mean, sure, you can say that you don't care what other people think, but only to an extent, because deep down, if you're really going to be honest to yourself, you're seeking approval. We all do it, we shape a hefty amount of our lives around the need for approval. Whether we're people pleasers, or absolute non-conformers, there's still a hint of the 'longing-for-love' genes in us [some more obvious than others, but you get the drift] I don't know, it's strange. It just annoys me how people say that they're different and that they actually couldn't care less, when in reality, they care just as much as everyone else does.

++Oh yeah, does anybody have a recycling bin? I was standing outside on Thursday when the rubbish truck collected the bins and stuff, and they just emptied the recycling straight into the same truck thing as the normal stuff! |: Our earth is dying and even the govnt. doesn't care.

On a perhaps lighter note, I cannot wait for this:

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It's going to be the best movie ever (yes, I'm psychic). It's based on the most amazing, beautiful, inspiring book you will ever read [kudos, jodi picoult] and I've been looking forward to it ever since I heard talk that they were making one. It's going to be amazing amazing amazing, go see it. It's out on July 30th :]

It's time for a puppet show,
4:28 AM
Hey Children.

Wow, that sounded strangely creepy.

Believe it or not kids, I actually have some followers. It's amazing, I know, that people actually waste their time reading this crap. Seriously, go see a psychologist :]

I'm actually really happy at the moment - just heard mention that a possible check out of the josh pyke tour could be on the agenda, fingers crossed! x] Ah, yes. I admit, I'm quite the sucker for acoustic music. The lyrics, the guitar, the melodies just. wow. i'm a fair rambler :)

Since this is my second post, [i'm expecting acknowledgement for this, it's not usually practical for me to keep to something] I suppose I should tell the zero people who are reading this a bit about myself, and it's okay, I won't be offended if you exit this page right now. Actually, I advise it.

so, when I was on holidays, way up in cairns, I went to the markets. At one of these stall things, this lady was selling 100% fruit sorbet. All she did was put the fruit into this hole thing [wow, tianah you literature champion] and it came out all icy and stuff |: yeah. well, anyway, I really like those. Even to the point of which I tried looking for the machine, only to find out that it cost $700, which would be great if I even had the capability of finding 20 cents.

I like reading. A lot. I'm a self confessed nerd, whenever somebody steps into my study they always comment on the amount of books I own. The only books I can't read are ones set by english teachers, I'm pretty sure Tegan and I have an unwritten rule which states the covers must not even be touched |:

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I like this man.
A lot.
He goes by the name of Benjamin Law, and he's pretty well number one on my who I'd like to meet section. He's a freelance journo, and he strings words together like nobody else could. If you've never heard of him, I'm sorry, but we can't be friends x]

I like the fact that I can hairpin some paper in my hair or just rock up to class with a mask on, and spend my whole time laughing at myself, and nobody else even blinks an eye cause they're just the kind of things a Tianah would do.

And I like music, I like d+ms, I like m+ms, I like personal jokes, I like reading blogs [just not my own, they suck], I like writing on cds with permanent markers, and most of all, I love it when you write something on your hand and then touch your face, the blue effect really is a revolution in make up artistry.

I'm pretty ageist, if that's a word. I don't really like twelve year olds in general. I'm sorry, but the whole 'transition-into-highschool-i'm-now-the-best-person-ever' thing kind of sucks. And they still like the Jonas Brothers. And Edward Cullen.

I don't like having to explain to people why I don't think doof doof music is actually music. It's computer generated, and the lyrics consist of " I just wanna dance, uh, uh, uh, uh wheeeeeeeeeew" repeated around nine million times throughout the course of the song. But that's beside the point. It sucks.

I don't like the instrument I play. Not that I play it. I don't even bring it home. But it's still gay.

And I don't like people who work themselves up about the smallest things, conformists, people who use 'random' as a word to describe themselves, tagalongs, compliment-fishers, perezhilton.

I think I've bored you enough, and honestly, congratulations if you finished this. I'm not even planning on reading it, I'll probably fall asleep. Wow. This could be a new form of sleeping medicine: Tianah's about me tablets.


I'm so cool.

We're lacking time, my friend.
Monday, June 22, 2009
11:30 PM
One day, I hope to live a life of selflessness, entitled by nothing but pacification and purity. I hope to break through the barrier of difference and learn that deep down, we're all the same, we're all identical copies of each other. One day, I hope to seek, I hope my now blatant curiousity will someday help me to find. Find what it is we're all looking for, what it is we've been searching for all along. To find why we do this crazy thing, why we live and why we die, why we make friends and why we lose them, why we're all so different but we're all so the same. The one thing I'm living for is experience.

Hi friend, I'm Tianah, and this is my not-so-amazing but hopefully-sometime-compelling new blog. The only plan I have for this is to actually continue with it |: let's hope for a major gush of commitment on my behalf :]

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I found this photo on deviantart, I hope I can put it up here x] It's by JeanFrancois, and I thought it was really cute. It kind of illustrates that sometimes, you just need to talk, and that the best advice can often come without words.

I don't know, I love art, and photography. I just like anything with a story I suppose. Or, really, anything with meaning, with concept.


And here comes the best part of my entire blog, my Madison mention. She's quite the babe; I promise you she's amazing, always sure to make you smile, even at the worst of times :]
'Ilovehermorethanlifeitself' <3

Name: Tianah
Interests: you.
I think you're amazing <3

What's up?
Hey, I'm Tianah. I don't like the noise that cutlery makes when it scrapes across your plate, I don't like it when people constantly think they're right. Though, on the contrary, I love words and humour and friends and stories and difference and simplicity and life and all things in between.

I'm not that weird;
*I'm new to this blogging thing, don't laugh hey :]

Believe it or not, I have friends. I'm just not listing them x]

more info